DoorKeeper™ is an AddIn or App that adds functionality to Bentley Systems MicroStation® CONNECT. It's a tool for architects, designers and planners.
DoorKeeper delegates the harvesting of Door instance data to FlexiTable™ CONNECT Edition …
FlexiTable provides a familiar worksheet presentation. It permits sorting and filtering of data. It provide aggregated information, including a count of harvested data.
You can filter a report to show a subset of its data. In the example below, we're showing only those doors whose IDs start with Door 3. Note that the aggregate row has been changed to show the accumulated visible data …
Assign a filter using the funnel icon in the header of each column. When you click the funnel icon you will see additional objects that help you define a filter.
You can sort a report to show its data in a different order. In the example below, we're showing the worksheet sorted by X coordinate …
Define sorting using the diamond icon in the header of each column. You can sort a column in ascending or descending order.
A report worksheet includes aggregate data.
If you examine the bottom row of the worksheet in the screenshots above, you can see aggregate information. DoorKeeper shows the number of DGN objects found.
After selecting a row, right-click to pop a context menu …
You can locate the DGN element corresponding to the selected row. MicroStation zooms to that element in the nominated view.
MicroStation provides an Item Types reporting tool that you can use with your DoorKeeper data. From MicroStation's reporting tool, you can create a table for placement as a DGN graphic element.
Currently (as of MicroStation CONNECT Update 13), MicroStation does not offer aggregates in reports.
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