DoorKeeper: a MicroStation Application

DoorKeeper™ is an AddIn or App that adds functionality to Bentley Systems MicroStation® CONNECT. It's a tool for architects, designers and planners.

DoorKeeper Search and Query

DoorKeeper has utilities that help you to find door cells tagged with a particular value. These tools are a work-in-progress as our customers tell us what they would like to search and how best to achieve a result.

DoorKeeper Search

The search command (DOOR SEARCH) pops the Search dialog …

DoorKeeper Search dialog

The Search dialog provides a combo box that lists the Item Type properties available with DoorKeeper. Choose a property, such as Room ID or Purpose using that combo box.

Search Criteria

Some properties have a Picklist that defines a set of values for that property. If your chosen property has a Picklist you will see a second combo box that shows the available values …

DoorKeeper Search dialog showing Picklist

If your chosen property does not have a Picklist you will see a text box where you can type your search criteria …

DoorKeeper Search dialog showing text box

Fence or Selection Set

The Search dialog has a toggle button (also known as a check box) labelled Use Fence and another labelled Use Selection Set. The Use Fence toggle button becomes enabled when a fence is active …

DoorKeeper Search dialog showing fence toggle button

The Use Selection Set toggle button becomes enabled when a selection set is active …

DoorKeeper Search dialog showing selection set toggle button

You can restrict your search to only those door cells currently selected or only those doors defined by a fence. DoorKeeper looks for door cells in the selection or fence that match your search criteria.

Execute Search

The Search button executes a search for door cells having properties that match your criteria. The number of elements found, and other information, is displayed in the Results group box …

DoorKeeper Search dialog showing search results

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Return to the DoorKeeper main page.