DoorKeeper Settings

DoorKeeper™ is an AddIn or App that adds functionality to Bentley Systems MicroStation® CONNECT. It's a tool for architects, designers and planners.

Settings Dialog

Tool Box: Settings Dialog

The command key-in DOOR DIALOG SETTINGS pops DoorKeeper's Settings dialog …

Settings Dialog

Explanation of settings …

Combo Boxes

In the settings dialog, these combo boxes set the default value of one of DoorKeeper's properties.

Door Category
Select one of the categories. They are defined by an eponymous Pick List
Door Class
Select one of the door classes. They are defined by an eponymous Pick List
Door Size
Select one of the sizes. They are defined by an eponymous Pick List
Door Type
Select one of the types. They are defined by an eponymous Pick List
Select one of the manufacturers. They are defined by an eponymous Pick List
select one of the materials. They are defined by an eponymous Pick List

The Accuracy combo box defines the formatting of certain numeric values.

Controls the precision of decimal numbers, such as XY coordinates shown in FlexiTable.

Toggle Buttons

Auto Increment
Causes DoorKeeper to increment your ID. For example, after you place a label showing ID Door 101, the next door you label will show ID Door 102

Pick Lists

Pick Lists

Pick Lists are part of MicroStation. DoorKeeper creates the above Pick Lists when it starts. DoorKeeper doesn't overwrite a Pick List of the same name that already exists.

You can subsequently modify the Pick Lists using MicroStation or other tools.

Don't change the name of any Pick List, because DoorKeeper won't be able to find it.

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Return to the DoorKeeper main page.