Products for MicroStation CONNECT

Apps or AddIns for MicroStation CONNECT, Bentley Systems' 64-bit 3D CAD platform.

AreaAnnotator™ CONNECT Edition Bill of Materials DoorKeeper™ FlexiTable™ MasterPlanner™ PipeTagger™
AreaAnnotator logo BoM logo DoorKeeper logo FlexiTable logo MasterPlanner logo PipeTagger facilitates annotatation of linear features


FlexiTable CONNECT Edition brings our popular product from MicroStation V8i to CONNECT users.

FlexiTable™ CONNECT Edition.


TagWorks™ is the collective name of a product family of annotation, data harvesting and reporting tools. The TagWorks family includes …

Each application defines an Item Type appropriate to its domain, and provides DGN element tagging and reporting tools.

More information about TagWorks.

Low Cost Labeller

LowCostLabeller is freeware. It demonstrates a simple way to label a line with its length. The label is associative (it moves when you move the line) and dynamic (it updates if you modify the line). It was developed to show what a native MicroStation application can do when compared to the less-comprehensive VBA.

LowCostLabeller facilitates annotatation of lines

More information about LowCostLabeller.

Table Manager™

Table Manager provides harvesting and reporting tools for MicroStation Tables. Limited editing facilites are included.

More information about Table Manager.

About LA Solutions Ltd

LA Solutions creates software. Our software catalogue includes applications for industry-standard computing platforms. These include Windows™, relational databases, building information modelling (BIM), geographic information systems (GIS), and computer aided design (CAD).

The databases we support include Microsoft SQL Server®, Oracle® and Microsoft Access®.

The CAD, BIM and GIS platforms we support include MicroStation®, Bentley Map™, OpenBuildings Designer™ and other products from Bentley Systems, Inc..

RegressionAnalysis CONNECT Edition

Every year or so, somebody asks about Regression Analysis for MicroStation. Regression Analysis CONNECT Edition