DoorKeeper: a MicroStation Application

DoorKeeper™ is an AddIn or App that adds functionality to Bentley Systems MicroStation® CONNECT. It's a tool for architects, designers and planners.

DoorKeeper Reports & Tables

DoorKeeper delegates the manufacture of its reports and tables to MicroStation. MicroStation provides an Item Types reporting tool. From the reporting tool, you can create a table for placement as a DGN graphic element.

DoorKeeper Reports

DoorKeeper does a very specific job, which is to annotate cells with useful data about doors. It makes it easy to create Reports from those same data. When you want a report, DoorKeeper sends a request to MicroStation's Reports dialog to display a report. The report is composed with a combination of DoorKeeper's ID and Purpose properties.

MicroStation Reports Dialog

DoorKeeper Tables (Schedules)

MicroStation Table

DoorKeeper makes it easy to create Tables from those same data. When you request a table, DoorKeeper first sends a request to MicroStation's Reports dialog to create a report. Next, it requests the Reports dialog to create a MicroStation table. The table is created and you then place the table in the usual way as a DGN element.

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