DoorKeeper™ is an AddIn or App that adds functionality to Bentley Systems MicroStation® CONNECT. It's a tool for architects, designers and planners.
DoorKeeper delegates the manufacture of its reports and tables to MicroStation. MicroStation provides an Item Types reporting tool. From the reporting tool, you can create a table for placement as a DGN graphic element.
DoorKeeper does a very specific job, which is to annotate cells with useful data about doors. It makes it easy to create Reports from those same data. When you want a report, DoorKeeper sends a request to MicroStation's Reports dialog to display a report. The report is composed with a combination of DoorKeeper's ID and Purpose properties.
DoorKeeper makes it easy to create Tables from those same data. When you request a table, DoorKeeper first sends a request to MicroStation's Reports dialog to create a report. Next, it requests the Reports dialog to create a MicroStation table. The table is created and you then place the table in the usual way as a DGN element.
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