Property Caption | Property Name | Data Type | Editable | Pick List | Comment |
Moniker | moniker | Text | No | n/a | A composable label that usually combines the Door ID with other data. Usually an Expression |
Door ID | id | Text | Yes | n/a | A unique door ID that you provide |
Room ID | foreignId | Text | No | n/a | ID of room which this door adjoins |
Door Class | doorClass | Text | Yes | Door Class | Use 'door class' to add meaningful data about a door |
Door Type | doorType | Text | Yes | Door Type | Use 'door type' to add meaningful data about a door |
Material | material | Text | Yes | Material | Describes the material use to construct a door |
Door Size | doorSize | Number | Yes | Door Size | Door widths available for this project |
Manufacturer | manufacturer | Text | Yes | Manufacturer | Details about a door manufacturer or supplier |
Door Category | doorCat | Text | Yes | Door Category | Use 'door category' to add meaningful data about a door |
Fire Rating | fire | Text | Yes | Fire Rating | Use 'fire rating' to add health & safety information about a door |
Origin | origin | Text | No | n/a | DGN origin (XYZ coordinates) of the door cell instance provided by MicroStation |
The read-only Moniker property contains an Expression.
The expression may simply refer to this door's ID. For example, Door &
It can be more complex, combining the door ID with the room ID (see AreaAnnotator).
It might go further and include the building floor ID.