
LA Solutions is a software developer, serving primarily the database, CAD, and GIS communities. Sometimes we develop software under contract to meet a user's specification; sometimes we develop software as a standard product.

This page is an opportunity for you to submit requests for software. Provide a brief description of your wish. Indicate whether it is a request for a database, CAD, GIS, or Windows™ application. MicroStation® refers to Bentley Systems' flagship CAD product. GeoGraphics™ is Bentley Systems' product for geo-engineering. LA Solutions will indicate your preference in the platform column.

The reference and date columns will be completed by LA Solutions. We reserve the right to reject dubious or improper suggestions. Submissions will remain anonymous: your details will not be published, nor will they be passed to any other organisation.

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There are WishLists for

WishList for MicroStation Software

WishList for CAD Software
Wish Reference Description Platform Date
Stacked Fractions macro.
MS033 A macro that enables a user to create stacked fractions using MicroStation text. Macro for MicroStation CONNECT or MicroStation V8i 2022
Table Manager.
MS032 A tool that enables a user to harvest and manage MicroStaton Table information. AddIn for MicroStation CONNECT 2021
Line Labeller tool. Label lines by placing text with line length.
MS031 A tool that enables a user to label a line or line-string with a text label that displays the line length. VBA macro for MicroStation CONNECT and earlier 2021
Concave Hull tool. Alternative terms: draw perimeter from points or find exterior boundary from points MS030 Create a tool that enables a user to create a concave hull about a set of points. This is a development of our existing convex hull technology for MicroStation. MicroStation CONNECT 2018
Next File
MS029 Create a tool for CONNECT that enables a user to move between DGN files in the active DGN folder. That is, a tool similar to the ChangeFile BASIC macro for MicroStation V8. MicroStation CONNECT 2018
Create a tool that shows Aggregate Values MS028 Provide a tool that will compute and display a numeric aggregate. For example, if I have a number of lines, show the total length of all lines. MicroStation 2017
Create a tool that sets the always fill attribute on a shape MS027 MicroStation's user interface let you set the fill attribute of a shape element to None or Filled. However, Filled responds to your view settings: the Fill setting controls whether filled shapes are displayed with fill or not. Some users have requested a tool that enables display of a filled shape irrespective of the view's Fill setting. MicroStation 2017
Create Selection Set of Tag or Text Elements that match Search Criteria MS026 Provide a way to search a DGN model for text that matches a pattern, then create a selection set from those text elements. MicroStation 2017
Granted! AreaAnnotator CONNECT Edition MS025 AreaAnnotator provides a way to label areas with element metrics and create reports. See also MasterPlanner™ 2016
Search for Tag Text MS024 Provide a way to find and replace text in tag elements. MicroStation 2016
Granted! This wish has been granted. We updated the Text Replacement tool that lets you find and replace text in tags. It searches for text in text elements, text node elements, tag elements and cell elements. MicroStation  18-Aug-2016
Text Replacement Tool MS023 Provide a way to find and replace text using regular expressions. MicroStation 2016
Granted! This wish has been granted. We wrote a Text Replacement tool that lets you use a regular expression to find and replace text. It searches for text in text elements, text node elements and cell elements. MicroStation  12-Jan-2016
SmartSolid Selector MS022 Provide a way to select a number of similar SmartSolid™ elements. MicroStation 2015
Enumerate Windows Printers MS021 Provide a way for MicroStation VBA to enumerate Windows printers. For each printer, provide a method to get paper sizes and paper names. MicroStation 2015
Granted! This wish has been granted. We wrote an ActiveX component PrinterEnumerator™ to implement printer enumeration. MicroStation  20-Nov-2015
Pen Table String Expansion MS020 Verify MicroStation Pen Table strings. Evaluates configuration variables and named expressions in a pen table string section. MicroStation 2015
Granted! This wish has been granted. The functionality has been added to FlexiTable MicroStation  07-Aug-2015
Regression Analysis MS019 Perform Regression Analysis on a set of points to extract a line or circle MicroStation 2014
Granted! This wish has been granted. See Regression Analysis MicroStation  15-Jan-2015
Tag Set Renamer MS018 Rename Tag Set definitions automatically MicroStation 01-Oct-2013
Granted! This wish has been granted. See TagDefRenamer MicroStation  20-Nov-2013
QR Generator MS017 Generate QR codes in MicroStation MicroStation 11-Nov-2012 QR Generator
Granted! This wish has been granted. See QR Generator MicroStation  28-Aug-2013
Review Elements by Modified Time MS016 A way to select & filter MicroStation elements by their modification date MicroStation 28-Jan-2011 DGN Chronographer
Granted! This wish has been granted. See DGN Chronographer MicroStation  07-Feb-2011
Chart Generator MS015 A way to create bar, column, pie, and other charts MicroStation 16-Jul-2008
Granted! This wish has been granted. See FlexiChart MicroStation  04-Nov-2008
Level Renamer MS014 A way to rename multiple levels in batch mode MicroStation 24-Jun-2008
Pattern Catalogs MS012 A means to store named pattern definitions and their patterning parameters for easy recall and simple application MicroStation 30-Apr-2008
Granted! This wish has been granted. See FlexiTable MicroStation 04-May-2008 FlexiTable
Colour Management MS011 A means to manage true colour tables in MicroStation XM, and generate sample swatches of colour MicroStation 19-Jan-2008 FlexiTable
Granted! This wish has been granted. See FlexiTable MicroStation 20-Apr-2008
Office File Access MS010 Provide a way of opening project-related office files (spreadsheets, text documents, etc.) from MicroStation MicroStation 13-Mar-2007
Excel™ integration MS009 Read and write spreadsheet data from MicroStation. Extract tag data to a spreadsheet; update tag data from a spreadsheet MicroStation 01-Dec-2006
Granted! This wish has been granted. See FlexiTable 21-Dec-2007 FlexiTable
Random Patterns MS008 A way to create random patterns with MicroStation MicroStation 01-Dec-2006
Granted! This wish has been granted. See FlexiTable 11-Oct-2009 FlexiTable
Configuration Validator MS006 Check that a configuration variable is defined and points to a valid file or folder. This functionality is provided by FlexiTable™. 21-Jul-2006
Granted! This wish has been granted. See FlexiTable for a commercially supported solution. See Configuration Validator™ for a freeware solution MicroStation 02-Aug-2006 FlexiTable
Tag Set Generator MS005 Tag Set Generator: provide a way of creating a prescribed Tag Set automatically, avoiding the tedious manual process. This functionality is provided by FlexiTable™. MicroStation 17-May-2006
Granted! This wish has been granted. See FlexiTable 21-Mar-2008 FlexiTable
Area Resymbolisation MS004 Colour or pattern areas automatically, depending on some data value. MicroStation 08-May-2006
Granted! This wish has been granted. See AreaSymboliser 02-Aug-2006
Measurement Tools MS003 Measure lengths, areas and volumes from elements automatically. Update area measurements automatically when shapes are modified. MicroStation 11-Dec-2005
Granted! This wish has been granted. See AreaAnnotator 18-Apr-2006 AreaAnnotator
Table Generator MS002 Table Generator: create a schedule table from a CSV, XML, or Excel data source. MicroStation 01-Dec-2005
Granted! This wish has been granted. See FlexiTable 21-Mar-2006 FlexiTable

WishList for GIS Software

WishList for GIS Software
Wish Reference Description Platform Date
OS VectorMap™ Translator GG002 A tool for MicroStation and Bentley Map to translate Ordnance Survey VectorMap Local map tiles. Bentley Map 23-May-2009
Plot Composition GG001 A plot composition tool for Bentley Map and GeoGraphics. GeoGraphics 04-Dec-2006
Granted! This wish has been granted. See Plot Composer Bentley Map and GeoGraphics V8.5 23-Dec-2006

WishList for Database Software

WishList for Database Software
Wish Reference Description Platform Date
Example DB001 Example Utility SQL Server 30-Nov-2005

WishList for Windows Software

WishList for Windows Software
Wish Reference Description Platform Date
Simple Registry Access for VB/VBA XP002 A VB/VBA component to store application settings in the Windows Registry Windows NT/2000/XP 04-Nov-2006
Granted! This wish has been granted. See RegistryKey 20-Dec-2006
Folder Browsing for VB/VBA XP001 A VB/VBA component to let a user browse Windows folders Windows NT/2000/XP 01-Nov-2006
Granted! This wish has been granted. See FolderBrowser 07-Nov-2006

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