A Moniker is a name for something, in this case a Room. AreaAnnotator uses a moniker to display the Room ID along with other information as required.
Suppose the Room ID is a number, such as 101. Successive Rooms may have their ID incremented to 102, 103, etc. If you want to display just that Room ID, then you can instruct that to appear using a basic expression. You may want to prefix the ID with R for room, which needs a marginally more complex expression.
You can read more about monikers.
Suppose that your DGN file contains multiple models, and each DGN model is an office floor plan. You can assign a floor ID to each model by creating an Item Type library named Building, having an Item Type named Floors and an ID property. Then you can use the model Floor.ID in your AreaAnnotator moniker.
Moniker | Expression | Sample |
Room ID | this.id | 101 |
Enhanced Room ID | "R" & this.id | R101 |
Floor and Room IDs | "F" & this.GetModel().GetItem("Building:Floors").FloorId & "R" & this.id | F2R101 |
Expressions are part of MicroStation. They were introduced with MicroStation CONNECT Update 15. An expression is able to perform arithmetic calculations as well as primitive text processing.