
BoM™ CONNECT Edition is an AddIn or App that adds functionality to Bentley Systems MicroStation® CONNECT. It's a tool for architects, engineers, planners and technicians.

BoM facilitates annotatation of elements

Installation delivers several files to your computer …

Files copied by the BoM Installer
File Comment Location
BoM-GUI.DgnLib Ribbon Group, Toolbox ..\Organization\DgnLib\Gui
BoMTemplateLibrary.cel Annotation Template Cells ..\Organization\Standards\Cell Core functions ..\MicroStation\mdlapps
BoM.dll Core functions ..\MicroStation\mdlapps
BoM-10.15.lic License File C:\ProgramData\LA Solutions\Licensing

Starting Installation

After downloading BoM you have a single Windows executable file. Run that file to start installation. The installer prompts you for the folder where the executable files (*.ma and *.dll) should be installed. That folder is typically
C:\Program Files\Bentley\MicroStation CONNECT Edition\MicroStation. The installer will figure out where to install its DgnLibs and configuration files.

Note : if you have a non-default MicroStation installation, the installer may not know your intended destination of BoM files. You may have to copy the above files manually to the correct location. Ask your MicroStation CAD Administrator for advice.

After Installation

After installing BoM, the next time you start MicroStation CONNECT you should see BoM's toolbox …

BoM Tool Box

See the Getting Started page to find out how to use BoM.

Return to the BoM main page

Return to the BoM main page.