Settings Introduction

PipeTagger™ is an AddIn or App that adds functionality to Bentley Systems MicroStation® CONNECT. It's a tool for architects, engineers, planners and technicians.

PipeTagger Settings

Key-in command...


This command pops PipeTagger's Settings dialog. It contains three columns...

Settings Dialog
PipeTagger Properties
Pipe ID TextBoxA unique pipe ID that you provide
Purpose ComboBox for Pick List Purpose Purpose for which this pipe is used
Pipe Type ComboBox for Pick List Pipe Type Pipe type
Diameter ComboBox for Pick List Diameter Pipe diameter
Length ComboBox for measurement units Pipe length is measured automatically, usually in your DGN model master units
Alternative Length ComboBox for measurement units Pipe length is measured automatically, optionally using something other than DGN master units
JustificationComboBoxMicroStation justification used for text labels. Not used for annotation cell labels
AccuracyComboBoxMicroStation accuracy used for decimal values
Auto IncrementCheckBoxIncrement your ID automatically as each object is labelled
Auto LabelCheckBoxCreate a label automatically as each object is tagged
Add Prefix to Text LabelsCheckBoxWhen creating a text label, add a descriptive prefix to element properties such as area or length
Use Label TemplateCheckBoxWhen creating annotation, use a template annotation cell from your cell library
Label TemplateComboBoxAn annotation cell template from your cell library
Use Active Text Style for LabelsCheckBoxWhen creating text labels, use MicroStation's active text style

Include Property in Text Label

The right column contains a check-box, one for each property. When the check-box is enabled, the value of that property will be included in your text label.

When you create labels using SmartText in your annotation cells, this check-box has no effect.