AreaAnnotator™ CONNECT Edition is an AddIn or App that adds functionality to Bentley Systems MicroStation® CONNECT. It's a tool for architects, engineers, planners and technicians.
LA Solutions' AreaAnnotator™ CONNECT Edition is licensed software. When you first install AreaAnnotator™ CONNECT Edition we grant you automatically a 30-day evaluation license. To continue using AreaAnnotator™ CONNECT Edition you must purchase a license. You may purchase one or more licenses. Discounts are available for multiple license purchases.
The current version of AreaAnnotator CONNECT Edition is v10.13, matching MicroStation CONNECT Update 13.
If you are using MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 12 or earlier, then AreaAnnotator CONNECT Edition v10.13 may not work.
Complete the AreaAnnotator request form to register your interest and obtain a link to the installation ZIP file.
AreaAnnotator CONNECT Edition is a new (2017…2020) evolving technology. The current release is built for MicroStation CONNECT Update 13 and later.
Here's a small DGN model for you to examine. It contains a single area feature that represents an office plan view. We've used AreaAnnotator to label the office …
Open the example DGN model with MicroStation CONNECT. Try using MicroStation's built-in tools to modify the shape. Note how the labels update automatically when you change the shape.
Once you've downloaded the AreaAnnotator ZIP package you can install it. After installation, you may want to modify some details. Read these pages to learn more …