TagWorks™ is the collective name of a product family of annotation tools for MicroStation CONNECT. The TagWorks family includes …
Each application defines an Item Type appropriate to its domain, and provides DGN element tagging and reporting tools.
Display Styles are part of MicroStation. TagWorks applications assign their display rules each to a display style of the same name. You can use each display style to visualise your DGN drawing using the application's display rules. There are some example display styles below.
A Display Rule is an instruction to MicroStation. It tells the graphics engine to render each DGN element in a particular way if it passes specified criteria. There are some example display rules below.
Here's MicroStation's Display Rules dialog, showing some rules generated by AreaAnnotator and other TagWorks applications …
Browse MicroStation help to discover more about Display Rules.
Each TagWorks application has its own set of Display Rules. Each set is stored in MicroStation under the name of the product. AreaAnnotator, for example, has a Display Rule set named AreaAnnotator; DoorKeeper has a set named DoorKeeper, and so on.
Each Display Rule is associated with the values in a PickList. Both Pick Lists and Display Rules are defined automatically when you load a TagWorks product.
Each Display Rule has one or more actions. An action is an instruction to MicroStation to modify the display of a DGN element. For example, with AreaAnnotator a Room may be occupied or vacant: a rule that examines the Room's occupied property includes an action to colour the room one colour if it is occupied and another colour otherwise.
AreaAnnotator lets you annotate shapes. A shape might represent a room in an office plan. The display rules for each room could be something like this …
A room may be occupied or vacant.
AreaAnnotator's Item Type definition includes boolean (Yes/No) property occupied
You can use the value of that property when designing a Display Rule.
In fact, AreaAnnotator defines some Display Rules for you …
Using those rules, an Asset Manager might want to view rooms having different occupancies. Here's the office plan viewed without display rules …
After applying the display rules the two occupied rooms are shaded orange and the vacant room are shaded pink/purple. The plan looks like this …
MasterPlanner defines display rules for Area Feature properties Character Area and Tenure. The display rules for Character Area specify a colour fill for features that match one of the possible pick list values …
The display rules for Tenure specify a different line weight for the several possibilies of Tenure …