
A MicroStation DGN file is a container: it contains one or more DGN models. A DGN model is also a container: it contains DGN elements, reference attachments and other objects.


This article provides a note about DgnLinks. A DgnLink is a form of hyperlink. It connects a MicroStation object, such as a DGN element, with an external object. That external object might be a file or web page. Here's a link to a folder, added to a DGN line element: MicroStation displays a small image (in this case, a folder icon) over an element that has a DgnLink …

DgnLink attached to element

As a programmer, you may like to know that the small image is called a view decorator.

A DgnLink promotes project collaboration and joins MicroStation with external data. MicroStation provides the opportunity to create Links to Files, Contents of Files, and Folders.

DgnLink choices

This article describes a C++ project that uses the MicroStationAPI to perform CRUD operations with DgnLinks attached to a DGN element. The app. can create a DgnLink of one of the following …

A number of other DgnLink types are defined but not used in this app. Search for DGNLINK_TYPEKEY_URLLink in DgnPlatform/DgnLinkManager.h.

Once a link is added to a DGN element, MicroStation automatically shows a small icon (a view decorator). For example, here's how a folder link appears …

Folder DgnLink

When you remove a DgnLink, that icon is removed automatically.

Create a DgnLink

Create DgnLink

This comment about creating a DgnLink is hidden in the MicroStationAPI help document …

The typical workflow in creating a new link node is:

DgnLinkTreeNode Name

What MicroStationAPI help fails to mention is that the new leaf node must be given a name using DgnLinkTreeNode::SetName(nodeName, checkForDuplicateNames). The name should, preferably, be unique in the tree structure.

DgnLink Types

This demonstration can create one of three DgnLink types …

For example, the tool settings changes when a Folder link is chosen …

Create Folder DgnLink

Using MicroStation tools, you can create a DgnLink to many more kinds of objects. Those are not covered in this example app.


The DgnLink app includes a command table. Key a command into MicroStation's key-in window, to start an action. Available commands include …

DgnLink Command Table
Command Action Comment
DGNLINK ADD LINK Prompts user to pick a DGN element Pops Tool Settings dialog
DGNLINK DELETE Prompts user to pick a DGN element Removes a DgnLink from an element
DGNLINK QUERY Prompts user to pick a DGN element Display link information
DGNLINK HELP ABOUT Displays brief product information
DGNLINK HELP DOCUMENT Shows relevant content in your default web browser

To load the app, key-in mdl load DgnLink.


Most of the work concerning DgnLinks is performed by the DgnLinkHelper class, which lives in the LASolutions namespace. Source code of the DgnLinkHelper class is supplied with the example project that you can download. That, in turn, relies heavily on the DgnPlatform::DgnLinkManager class, delivered with the MicroStation CONNECT SDK.

Download the DgnLink Example

Download DgnLink ZIP

The DgnLink example code is provided as-is and without guarantee of suitability for any particular purpose. The source code is available in this MicroStation C++ project. Unpack the ZIP archive and copy the source code to your preferred folder. A good place to copy it, if you're using MicroStation CONNECT, would be ..\SDK\Examples\Miscellaneous. You can then build it from the SDK command shell.

MicroStation and Application Development

MicroStation® is a computer-aided-design (CAD) tool produced by Bentley Systems. It is used by engineers, architects, and draughting technicians to create 3D models and 2D drawings.

MicroStation can be customised. Bentley Systems themselves have many applications for specialised markets that use MicroStation as a platform. Third-parties likewise may use MicroStation as a platform on which to develop their application software. Bentley Systems provide the MicroStation Software Development Kit (SDK) that software developers use to create their applications.

The CONNECT SDK has several libraries …

This article concerns the MicroStationAPI. The MicroStationAPI contains thousands of functions that provide a C++ interface.


This article was stimulated by a post on the Be Communities MicroStation Programming Forum by YongAn Fu. It would not have progressed without additional help and comments by Robert Hook and Jan Šlegr: my thanks go to all of them.


Post questions about C++ and the MicroStationAPI to the MicroStation Programming Forum.