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This page lists some solutions to common MicroStation VBA (MVBA) problems. Tips are published as examples and are not necessarily working code.
Bentley Systems add the SmartSolid
class to MicroStation VBA in a late version of MicroStation V8i.
It continues to be available with MicroStation CONNECT.
There are two related classes.
The comments are taken from MicroStation VBA help …
: Holds generic methods useful in dealing with SmartSolid objects
: A kind of Element that corresponds to a MicroStation SmartSolid/SmartSurface element
In other words, the SmartSolid
class is an implementation of mathematical concepts that help us create and
manipulate 3D solid objects.
The SmartSolidElement
class provide tools to handle a 3D solid as a MicroStation DGN element.
We can create a solid of rotation by first identifying or creating a 2D profile.
Next, we rotate the profile about a given point, in a given orientation, by a specified angle.
The VBA method is SmartSolid.RevolveProfile
Look at the VBA documentation for SmartSolid.RevolveProfile
Revolves a wire or sheet body about the axis passing through the point and along the axis.
The profile element is a DGN element: profile body which is swept along the path, it should not be a closed curve.
A profile is a two-dimensional open shape. You can create such an element from a simple line-string or other primitive curve, or a complex string. Here's an example …
Dim profileElements(3) As ChainableElement Set profileElements(0) = CreateLineElement2(Nothing, Point3dFromXYZ(0.0591, 0.0245, 0), Point3dFromXYZ(0.0836, 0.0806, 0)) Set profileElements(1) = CreateLineElement2(Nothing, Point3dFromXYZ(0.0836, 0.0806, 0), Point3dFromXYZ(0.0899, 0.0792, 0)) Set profileElements(2) = CreateLineElement2(Nothing, Point3dFromXYZ(0.0899, 0.0792, 0), Point3dFromXYZ(0.0899, 0.0203, 0)) Set profileElements(3) = CreateLineElement2(Nothing, Point3dFromXYZ(0.0899, 0.0203, 0), Point3dFromXYZ(0.0591, 0.0245, 0)) Dim oProfile As ComplexStringElement Set oProfile = CreateComplexStringElement1(profileElements())
Next, decide how to rotate that profile. We need a point to rotate about, an axis of rotation, and a rotation angle (the angle, as is usual, is measured in Radians) …
Dim pointOfRotation As Point3d pointOfRotation = Point3dZero Dim xAxis As Vector3d ' Rotate about the X-axis xAxis = Vector3dFromXYZ(1, 0, 0) Dim rotateAngle As Double ' Rotate by Pi radians (180°) rotateAngle = Pi
Now everything is ready.
We're going to create a SmartSolidElement
that can be added to a DGN model.
We create that SmartSolidElement
using the RevolveProfile
method of class SmartSolid
The actual rotation is quite simple …
Dim oBodySolid As SmartSolidElement Set oBodySolid = SmartSolid.RevolveProfile(oProfile, pointOfRotation, xAxis, rotateAngle)
Finally, you may want to call SmartSolidElement.CapSurface
That ensures that you create a 3D solid rather than a 3D surface.
Or, as VBA help puts it: Converts a sheet body to a solid by adding faces to fill up "hollow spaces".
oBodySolid.CapSurface ActiveModelReference.AddElement oBodySolid
Here's a screenshot of the resulting solid …
Some people have reported problems using SmartSolidElement.RevolveProfile
Here are some comments …
so you've no excuse for not using radians
MicroStation VBA developer Paul Rowlands commented, after struggling with SmartSolidElement.RevolveProfile
Cause of the problem is global origins set at large values which a certain infrastructure client likes to use in their seed files
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