Q MicroStation has built-in tools to extract metrics from different types of objects. For example, it can measure the length of a line, the area of an ellipse, or the volume of a cube. However, it doesn't satisfy the following questions, posed by MDL and VBA developers, that pop up occasionally on the Be Communities Discussion Groups, …
A Since a line string doesn't have the concept of area, MicroStation can't measure it. However, it seems reasonable to many people that a line-string whose first and last vertices are coincident looks remarkably like a shape and consequently should be prepared to reveal its area, especially when that other CAD product can do it anyway …
MicroStation grouped hole elements pose a different problem: MicroStation can measure the area of a grouped hole, but how do you do it using VBA? There a page dedicated to help you identify and measure a grouped hole element using VBA.
Here's a VBA example that illustrates how to obtain information about areas and closed line-string elements. Copy this code into a regular VBA module,
then run it within the IDE, or from a MicroStation keyin vba run [MeasureArea]modMain.Main
Option Explicit
Option Base 0
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
' MeasureArea gets the area of planar closed elements (e.g. ellipse,
' shape, complex shape) or closed line strings. A closed line-string
' has the appearance of a shape element (i.e. the first and last
' vertices are coincident), and this module treats it as if it were
' a shape element
' To run this tool, use this keyin:
' vba run [MeasureArea]modMain.main
' Notice:
' MeasureArea is supplied as example code by LA Solutions Ltd.
' http://www.la-solutions.co.uk
' This code is provided without guarantee of fitness for purpose and
' is not supported. You are free to copy this code and use it for
' whatever purpose in pursuit of MicroStation VBA happiness provided
' that this notice is retained in full
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Sub Main()
CommandState.StartLocate New clsMeasureArea
End Sub
The Main()
subroutine invokes MicroStation's location logic by creating an instance of the
class that implements ILocateCommandEvents
Option Explicit' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Implements ILocateCommandEvents' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Sub ILocateCommandEvents_Accept(ByVal oElement As Element, Point As Point3d, ByVal View As View) Debug.Print "Accept element type " & CStr(oElement.Type) Dim area As Double area = 0# If oElement.IsLineElement Then' Convert line string to shape to measure area
Dim vertices() As Point3d vertices = oElement.AsVertexList.GetVertices Dim oShape As ShapeElement Set oShape = CreateShapeElement1(oElement, vertices) ShowArea oShape.AsClosedElement.area, oElement.Type Else ShowArea oElement.AsClosedElement.area, oElement.Type End If End Sub' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Sub ShowArea(area As Double, elemType As MsdElementType) Dim strLastTerseMessage As String Dim strLastVerboseMessage As String Dim strElemType As String strLastTerseMessage = "Area " & Format(area, "#,###.00") & " sq " & ActiveModelReference.MasterUnit.Label Select Case elemType Case msdElementTypeEllipse strElemType = "ellipse" Case msdElementTypeShape strElemType = "shape" Case msdElementTypeComplexShape strElemType = "complex shape" Case msdElementTypeLineString strElemType = "closed line string" End Select strLastVerboseMessage = "Area of " & strElemType & "=" & Format(area, "#,###.0000") & " sq " & ActiveModelReference.MasterUnit.Label ShowError strLastTerseMessage ShowMessage strLastTerseMessage, strLastVerboseMessage End Sub' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Sub ILocateCommandEvents_Cleanup() End Sub' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Sub ILocateCommandEvents_Dynamics(Point As Point3d, ByVal View As View, ByVal DrawMode As MsdDrawingMode) End Sub' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Sub ILocateCommandEvents_LocateFailed() ShowError "Closed element not found" ShowMessage vbNullString End Sub' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Sub ILocateCommandEvents_LocateFilter(ByVal oElement As Element, Point As Point3d, Accepted As Boolean) Accepted = False If oElement.IsShapeElement Then Accepted = True ElseIf oElement.IsEllipseElement Then Accepted = True ElseIf oElement.IsComplexShapeElement Then Accepted = True ElseIf oElement.IsLineElement Then With oElement.AsVertexList Dim nVertices As Integer nVertices = .VerticesCount If (2 < nVertices) Then Dim oVertexList() As Point3d oVertexList = .GetVertices Accepted = Point3dEqual(oVertexList(0), oVertexList(nVertices - 1)) End If End With End If End Sub' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Sub ILocateCommandEvents_LocateReset() End Sub' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Sub ILocateCommandEvents_Start() Dim oLocateCriteria As LocateCriteria' Since this command does not modify the original element,
' set the locate criteria to allow read-only elements.
Set oLocateCriteria = CommandState.CreateLocateCriteria(False) CommandState.SetLocateCriteria oLocateCriteria ShowCommand "Measure Area" ShowPrompt "Select a closed element" ShowMessage vbNullString ShowError vbNullString End Sub' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
When you run the above code, the area of suitable element is displayed in MicroStation's status bar and also in the message center …
You can copy and paste the above code into a new VBA module, or drop the
into a suitable location, such as X:\Program Files\Bentley\Workspace\Projects\Untitled\vba
, on your computer.