Questions similar to this appear on the Bentley Discussion Groups. These problems appeared in the VBA discussion group.
If I have a text element containing a string that is <<1>A<2>B<22>>
(datafield, then text, datafield and text, etc)
I can cycle through all the datafields using TextElement.DataEntryRegion(index)
but how do I get to the text?
A A TextElement may contain not only text, but also enter data fields. Enter data fields (also known as enter data regions) are placeholders in a text element. It's possible to update enter data fields independently of other text in a text element.
The question posed asks how to extract both the text of each enter data field
and the intervening plain text.
This task is made reasonably easy by MicroStation VBA's provision of several methods of the TextElement
object …
returns a DataEntryRegion
user-defined type that tells us
the StartPosition
and Length
of the enter data field at a given index.
Using this information, our code can walk through the enter data fields and extract both the
enter data field content and the non-enter data field plain old text that lies between the enter data fields.
Here's an example.
Copy and paste the code below into a new VBA module.
Run the module from the Main
subroutine, preferably when you have open a DGN model that contains some text having enter data fields …
Option Explicit' --------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Example to analyse the content of a text element that contains ' enter data fields ' --------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Notice: ' Source code provided by LA Solutions Ltd as-is without warranty of ' fitness for purpose. You may use this code for whatever purpose ' private or commercial ' ' End of notice ' --------------------------------------------------------------------- '
Public Sub Main() ' In this example we obtain a TextElement from a DGN model that ' contains various TextElements some with, and some without, enter ' data fields Dim nObjects As Long nObjects = ScanEnterDataText(ActiveModelReference) Debug.Print "Found " & CStr(nObjects) & " text elements with enter data fields" End Sub' --------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function ScanEnterDataText ' Scan a model for text elements. We're interested only in those ' text elements that have enter data regions. ' Returns: Long count of text elements having enter data regions ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Function ScanEnterDataText(ByVal oModel As ModelReference) As Long Dim nEnterDataTextElms As Long nEnterDataTextElms = 0 ScanEnterDataText = 0 Dim oScanCriteria As New ElementScanCriteria oScanCriteria.ExcludeAllTypes oScanCriteria.IncludeType msdElementTypeText Dim oTextElements As ElementEnumerator Set oTextElements = oModel.Scan(oScanCriteria) Do While oTextElements.MoveNext Dim oTextElement As TextElement Set oTextElement = oTextElements.Current.AsTextElement Dim nRegions As Integer nRegions = oTextElement.DataEntryRegionsCount If (0 < nRegions) Then If (AnalyseDataEntryRegions(oTextElement, nRegions)) Then nEnterDataTextElms = 1 + nEnterDataTextElms End If End If Loop ScanEnterDataText = nEnterDataTextElms End Function' --------------------------------------------------------------------- ' AnalyseDataEntryRegions ' Extract information from a TextElement having one or more ' data entry fields ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Function AnalyseDataEntryRegions(ByVal oText As TextElement, ByVal nRegions As Long) As Boolean AnalyseDataEntryRegions = False Debug.Print "Found text '" & oText.Text & "' with " & CStr(nRegions); " enter data fields" Dim region As Long Dim index As Long Dim start As Long Dim length As Long Dim data As DataEntryRegion Dim s As String s = oText.Text Dim strings() As String ReDim strings(1 To 1 + nRegions * 2) start = 1 index = 1 For region = 1 To nRegions data = oText.DataEntryRegion(region) Debug.Print "Region [" & CStr(region) & "] start=" & CStr(data.StartPosition) & " length=" & CStr(data.length)' Text before enter data field
length = data.StartPosition - start If (0 = length) Then strings(index + 0) = "Text:" Else strings(index + 0) = "Text: " & Mid(s, start, length) End If ' Enter data field content
strings(index + 1) = "Enter Data: " & oText.DataEntryRegionText(region) index = index + 2 start = data.StartPosition + data.length AnalyseDataEntryRegions = True Next region' Any text after final data entry field
strings(index) = "Text: " & Mid(s, start) For region = LBound(strings) To UBound(strings) Debug.Print "Strings [" & CStr(region) & "] '" & strings(region) & "'" Next End Function' ---------------------------------------------------------------------