Questions similar to this appear on the Bentley Discussion Groups. These problems appeared in the VBA discussion group.
with VBA?
A If you want to open a file interactively (i.e. ask the user to choose a file to open) then you need to use the Microsoft Common Dialogs. This function wraps it up for you. The code is not complete — there are some data structures (UDTs) that must be defined for this to work. Those UDTs are define in the VBA project that you can download.
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
' ShowOpen Open common dialog
' Returns: full path of file to open, or zero-length string if Cancel
' Example:
' StrFilter = "Text Files (*.txt)" + Chr$(0) + "*.txt" + Chr$(0)
' StrFilter = StrFilter & "All Files (*.*)" + Chr$(0) + "*.*" + Chr$(0)
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function ShowOpen( _
strTitle As String, _
Optional strFilterDescr As String = "All files (*.*)", _
Optional strFilterSpec As String = "*.*", _
Optional strInitDir As String = vbNullString) As String
On Error GoTo Proc_Error
Dim strFileFilter As String, _
strFileSelected As String
strFileFilter = strFilterDescr & Chr$(0) & strFilterSpec & Chr$(0)
With OFName
.lStructSize = LenB(OFName)
.hwndOwner = 0&
.hInstance = 0& 'App.hInstance
'Select a filter
.lpstrFilter = strFileFilter
.lpstrFile = VBA.Space$(254)
.nMaxFile = 255
.lpstrFileTitle = VBA.Space$(254)
.nMaxFileTitle = 255
If (vbNullString <> strInitDir) Then _
.lpstrInitialDir = strInitDir
.lpstrTitle = strTitle ' "Select File"
End With
If GetOpenFileName(OFName) Then
strFileSelected = Trim$(OFName.lpstrFile)
If (InStr(strFileSelected, Chr(0)) > 0) Then
strFileSelected = Left(strFileSelected, InStr(strFileSelected, Chr(0)) - 1)
End If
ShowOpen = Trim$(strFileSelected)
ShowOpen = vbNullString
End If
Exit Function
ShowOpen = vbNullString
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Proc_Exit
End Function
Here's the code to invoke the FileOpen
function …
Dim filePath As String filePath = ShowOpen("Open CSV File", "CSV Files (*.csv)", "*.csv") Debug.Print "You chose file " & Quote(filePath)
The code in the downloadable project reference a Microsoft library named Scripting Runtime. That library is almost certainly already installed on your computer.
Your VBA project needs a reference to that library. You can see libraries used by your project using the Tools|References menu (those are VBA reference, not MicroStation reference attachments).
If you download the project you will find that the Scripting libary is already attached.
A Microsoft Scripting makes it easy to open a text file …
Dim oFile As Scripting.TextStream Set oFile = OpenFileForReading(filePath)
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
' Open the specified file for reading.
' Returns: Reference to a Scripting.TextStream object
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function OpenFileForReading(ByVal filePath As String) As Scripting.TextStream
Set OpenFileForReading = Nothing
Debug.Print "Attempt to open " & Quote(filePath)
Dim oFileSystem As New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Set OpenFileForReading = oFileSystem.OpenTextFile(filePath, ForReading)
End Function
With the file now open, you can read lines of text. The loop below continues to read lines until the file is empty …
Dim line As String Dim point As Point3d Do Until oFile.AtEndOfStream line = oFile.ReadLine Debug.Print "line: '" & line & "'" Loop
A The text file has multiple lines, each of which conveys several values. The values are separated by something like a comma, tab or space. For example, here's a line that uses a space character to separate numerals …
3.1 4.7 1.0
If we know the separator character (in this example, a space), we can split the line into an array of words …
Const Separator As String = " " Dim values() As String values = Split(line, Separator)
Each member of the values
array contains part of the line.
In this example …
values(0) = 3.1
values(1) = 4.7
values(2) = 1.0
Now we are in position to fill a Point3d
with the parsed values.
MicroStation VBA supplies the function Point3dFromXYZ
, which fits our requirement exactly …
Dim point As Point3d point = Point3dFromXYZ(CDbl(values(0)), CDbl(values(1)), CDbl(values(2)))
You can download the example CSV File Parser Project.
Copy the .mvba
file to a known good location where MicroStation looks for VBA macros.
For example, ..\Organization\Standards\Macros
or any folder that configuration variable
Open the project in the VBA editor.
Read the notes in module modMain
That module also contains the keyin to run the example …
vba run [CsvFileParser]modMain.Main
Post questions about VBA to the MicroStation Programming Forum.