Questions similar to this appear on the Bentley Discussion Groups. These appeared in the VBA discussion group.
Q Measuring Parallel Lines
The simplest way, posted by Dean BB on the MicroStation VBA discussion group, is
Use the measure minimum distance command and get the measurement from CommandState.MeasureResult1
Here's another way to find the distance between parallel lines, which is a programmer's approach to the problem. The outline of this solution is …
The code for this project is available in VBA project MeasureDistance.
Unpack the ZIP archive and copy MeasureDistance.mvba
to a memorable location, such as Workspace\projects\untitled\mvba
The projects contains two modules: modMain
and clsLineLocator
exists to provide the Main
entry point.
The MicroStation keyin to run this project is …
vba run [MeasureDistance]modMain.main
The Main
subroutine creates an instance of clsLineLocator
and starts MicroStation's locate logic …
Public Sub Main() CommandState.StartLocate New clsLineLocator End Sub
is a class module that Implements ILocateCommandEvents
It prompts you to locate two lines.
Each time you locate a line, it stores a reference to that line.
When you've located two lines, it starts its computations. The first computation is to find whether the two lines are parallel …
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
' LinesParallel
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function LinesParallel(ByVal oLine1 As LineElement, ByVal oLine2 As LineElement) As Boolean
LinesParallel = False
Dim v1 As Point3d
Dim v2 As Point3d
v1 = Point3dSubtract(oLine1.EndPoint, oLine1.StartPoint)
v2 = Point3dSubtract(oLine2.EndPoint, oLine2.StartPoint)
LinesParallel = Point3dAreVectorsParallel(v1, v2)
End Function
The second computation is to calculate the distance between the two lines …
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
' DistanceBetweenLines
' Return the perpendicular distance between two lines, preferably parallel
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function DistanceBetweenLines(ByVal oLine1 As LineElement, ByVal oLine2 As LineElement) As Double
DistanceBetweenLines = 0#
Dim v1 As Point3d
Dim v2 As Point3d
Dim pntProjected As Point3d
pntProjected = oLine1.ProjectPointOnPerpendicular(oLine2.StartPoint, Matrix3dIdentity)
DistanceBetweenLines = Point3dDistance(pntProjected, oLine2.StartPoint)
End Function
Q Measuring MultiLines
? A
MicroStation multilines let you draw complex linear features as if you are drawing a single line or line-string.
Unfortunately, the VBA object MultiLineElement
does not expose many of the properties that one might
reasonably expect of a linear element.
For example, there is no Length
property, so how would you find the length of a MultiLineElement
using VBA?
However, MultiLineElement
does include the Drop
creates an enumeration of the components of a multiline.
Since each component of a multiline must be the same length, you can drop the multiline and measure the length of the first component.
Here's a function that implements that idea …
Sub TestMultiLine ()' This is for testing: it picks up the multiline element currently in a select set
Dim oEnumerator As ElementEnumerator Set oEnumerator = ActiveModelReference.GetSelectedElements While oEnumerator.MoveNext Set oElement = oEnumerator.Current Dim length As Double length = MeasureMultiLine (oElement.AsMultiLineElement) Debug.Print "Length=" & CStr(oLine.Length) Wend End Sub' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function MeasureMultiLine(ByVal oMultiLine As MultiLineElement) As Double MeasureMultiLine = 0# Dim oComponents As ElementEnumerator Set oComponents = oMultiLine.Drop Dim oLine As LineElement If oComponents.MoveNext Then Set oLine = oComponents.Current MeasureMultiLine = oLine.Length End If End Function
The code above works fine, and is compatible with MicroStation V8 2004 Edition. MicroStation XM provides a new way to interrogate elements using a Property Handler. This approach was suggested by Harry Stegeman, a regular contributor to the Bentley VBA Discussion Group.
Sub ShowMultilinePropertyStrings(oElement As Element)
If Not oElement.Type = msdElementTypeMultiLine Then
Debug.Print "Expected a multiline"
Exit Sub
End If
Dim oPropertyHandler As PropertyHandler
Set oPropertyHandler = CreatePropertyHandler(oElement)
Dim arraySpec As String
arraySpec = "Segments[" & (NumSegments(oPropertyHandler) - 1) & "]"
ShowDisplayString oPropertyHandler, arraySpec & ".Start"
ShowDisplayString oPropertyHandler, arraySpec & ".End"
ShowDisplayString oPropertyHandler, arraySpec & ".Length"
ShowDisplayString oPropertyHandler, arraySpec & ".Direction"
ShowDisplayString oPropertyHandler, arraySpec & ".ElevationAngle"
ShowDisplayString oPropertyHandler, arraySpec & ".DeltaX"
ShowDisplayString oPropertyHandler, arraySpec & ".DeltaY"
End Sub
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Sub ShowDisplayString(oPropertyHandler As PropertyHandler, accessString As String)
On Error GoTo HandleError
If Not oPropertyHandler.SelectByAccessString(accessString) Then
Debug.Print "Property '" & accessString & "' not found!"
Debug.Print oPropertyHandler.GetDisplayString
End If
Exit Sub
Debug.Print Err.Description
End Sub